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Aiki Kai Australia

National Aikido Association of Australia




Doshu (World head of Aikikai Aikido), Ueshiba Moriteru, teaching at an Aiki Kai Australia national event


Winter School 2025

With special guest Suzuki Shihan

Save the Dates!!


Sun 6th - Fri 11th July 2025

60th Anniversary

Winter School

Extension Training - Tasmania

Tenchi Farm, Meander

12th-13th July

Special Guest Suzuki Shihan

More Details Soon!

TTC Weekends in 2025

March / April / May

Botterill Shihan 7th Dan - 15-16 Mar Melbourne - Clifton Hill Dojo

Janiv Shihan 7th Dan  - 5-6 April Sydney - Leichardt Dojo

Jikou Sugano Sensei 6th Dan 5-6th  April - Perth

Ken Trebilco Sensei 6th Dan 17-20th April - Annual Easter Camp - Alice Springs NT

John Rockstrom Shihan 7th Dan - 3-4 May - Cairns

John Watson Shihan 7th Dan - 17-18 May - Tasmania - Tenchi Farm

Stay Tuned for more TTC's across Australia in 2025!

Thinking of Visiting Hombu Dojo?

                   Contact us first!
Hombu dojo has changed the way they accept foreign students who wish to train there for short periods of time.

News & 

Tony Smibert Shihan

Promoted to Hachidan (8th) Dan

Tony Smibert Shihan was one of ten senior Aikido instructors awarded the 8th dan by Doshu during the Kagami biraki, held at the Aiki Kai Foundation in January 2025.

Notice from the
Board of
Aiki Kai Australia

Please click on the link below to read a letter regarding Mr Geoff Freeman as authorised by the Board of Aiki Kai Australia.

Letter to Mr Freeman

New Area Representative for Tasmania!

Nathan Karas

We are pleased to announce the new Area Representative for Tasmania. Please welcome Nathan Karas, Sandan. 


Aiki Kai Australia Newsletters

Read Musubi HERE

Vol 4 Dec 2024 Edition out Now!

The latest edition of the Aiki Kai Australia newsletter "Musubi" is out now. With lots of great articles. Take a moment to read Musubi.

Summer School 2025
Dan grade promotions

1st degree blackbelt:       
Chemere Birkensleigh (VIC)

Xinrou (Sally) Cheng (QLD)

Paul Ciprian (VIC)

Fabrizio Pastori (VIC)
John Sufra (VIC)

2nd degree blackbelt:            
Sasha Muller (NT)

3rd degree blackbelt:           
Chris Brain (VIC)
Julie Boydell (VIC)
Wei Yng Chua (VIC)
John Claxton (VIC)
Diana Hope (VIC)
Luke Hope (VIC)
Linton Tulejah (TAS)

4th degree blackbelt:
Adrianne Cleaver-Leong (VIC)
Terry Cuming (SA)

Greg Giannis (VIC)
Paul Osborne (VIC)

Promotions at Kagamibiraki

5th degree blackbelt:
Bruce Eccles (TAS)
Colin Saville (Sweden/VIC)

Sharon Stewart (SA)
Mark Turner (VIC)

6th degree blackbelt:
Matt Aitken (UAE/SA)
Michael Nagle (VIC)
Duncan Stevenson (ACT)

7th degree blackbelt:
Andrew Dziedzic (NSW)
Marie Petery (NT)
Geoff Savage (VIC)
John Watson (VIC)

8th degree blackbelt:
Tony Smibert (TAS)


View still images and illustrations of the various pins & grips we use

Need Aikido training items?

Australia's only range of

Available in both
premium & standard weave

We stock a full range of items to equip a new student with everything they need for Aikido training, at very reasonable prices.

Low-cost Uniform for Kids

Due to the rapidly rising numbers of children joining our classes across the country, we have made available a low-cost, beginners uniform for the smaller kids. Check it out in our Shop. They can be easily mailed anywhere across Australia!

What is 

The Japanese martial art of Aikido is a comprehensive system of throwing, joint-locking and pinning techniques based on a philosophy of non-aggression. Aiki Kai Australia is an association based on the style of a traditional Japanese martial school.


Aikido has many physical and psychological benefits. The versatility of the art makes it ideal for students of all ages.


Aikido really does try to train without the over use of physical strength, which is the reason why males and females can work together equally.

When joining a martial school the student takes on a completely different attitude to exercise than if you were joining a gym.


Aikido is a Way

There is commitment and there is obligation
Do not abuse or misuse the art of Aikido
Study carefully, honestly and humbly
Respect your seniors 
Take care of your juniors 
                                   Seiichi Sugano 8th Dan

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