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Aiki Kai Australia

National Aikido Association of Australia



At Home Training

As we all know, Aikido is best practiced with other people and under the instruction of a qualified teacher. 

But right now that isn’t possible - which only leaves home-training as an option.

So, if you want to maintain your study we’re hoping these short videos will help you do so.

There are two types of clip.

The first simply illustrate the basic home training guide we’ve already published. They’ll remind you of what you already know from the dojo, but with adaptations you can extend to a session of at least 30 minutes that runs like a class when you are on your own and in a limited space. You can adapt this program and insert other techniques and patterns. There’s no instruction, and the demonstrator is not a senior teacher.


The second type of clip will feature senior instructors and shihans with guidance, advice and instruction on basics, inner principles and even weapon patterns you might also work with at home.

Try to remember, Aikido is always a serious opportunity to study with mind and body.

Please maintain the sort of energy, sincerity and focus you would bring to your dojo.  Take care, allow for limited space and adapt for safety, especially when training with bokken, jo or shortened weapon. Direction, distance and timing are critical, so attention to ma-ai is a part of the study.

Train hard, stay well and enjoy yourself.

Tony Smibert 7th Dan
President Aiki Kai Australia

1. Introduction to Home Training by Smibert Shihan, 7th Dan  

COVID 19 shut Aikido down very quickly, so the Teaching Committee decided to create a home training guide and support it with some video clips.

Given social distancing rules, Smibert Shihan and Linton Tuleja (2nd Dan, Tasmania) then filmed the following material on iPhone at Tenchi Farm dojo, now closed. Their time in the dojo was limited but we hope you find it of value and thank Linton for his assistance.

We look forward to following up with more videos.

 Andrew Dziedzic

30min Home Training Guide

This is a 12 minute version of the online meditation class, good for a beginner
to understand what happens during the class.

This the full 30min class, complete with all the physical and meditation training.

If you are familiar with meditation practice using a bell this is a 10 minute session sound file. The session begins and finishes with a drum beat.

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