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Aiki Kai Australia

National Aikido Association of Australia



Suzuki Toshio Shihan, 6th Dan, Hombu Instructor

is our Special Guest


Sunday 7 July - Friday 12 July 2024
St Ignatius College Riverview, Tambourine Bay Road, Lane Cove, Sydney

After a successful return to Winter School in 2023, we are pleased to announce the next Aiki Kai Winter School for 2024 at St Ignatius Riverview, Sydney.

The national schools were always a priority with Sugano Shihan as they provided a level of training that couldn't be replicated in the dojo which is why he made them a prerequisite for dan grades. He would often say a week of national training was worth at least two years of dojo training, but it offered more than dojo training ever could. Firstly, it is the opportunity to train with a wide variety of people such as; mixed ages, body sizes and grades. All these contribute to working with a wide gamut of training partners on a large mat space where your study of Aikido can excel. Perhaps the most pertinent aspect is being in the 'zone' for an extended period of time. At a dojo you get an hour or 1.5 hours and then other life stuff crowds in. At a national school you have hours of unbroken concentration on movement, technique, musubi, where your mind and body continuously build on the collective experience of what has just passed. Nothing in a dojo can match this level of experience. 

Please note, everyone is required to register before the event to save volunteer administration time and hassles when we should all be on the mat training!

-   COVID-19 Safety and daily RAT requirement:

It is recommended to take a COVID-19 test as close to the time of the event as possible, ideally within 1-2 days. This will help you make informed decisions about your health and prevent the spread of the infection to others. Our daily testing regime during the past three National Schools has helped us limit the spread of COVID-19. Therefore, Aiki Kai Australia requires all participants to take daily RATs to ensure a safe training environment.

Please help keep everyone safe by following all instructions below and anything requested by medical officers or event organisers during the school.

• While it would be a huge shame to miss any of the school, if you feel unwell, please stay at home/in your accommodation. Do not attend the dojo or social events if you have symptoms of any illness, even if not COVID-19 related.

• If you test positive during school, please contact Ben Lippmeier

• To enter the dojo daily, you must have a photo of a negative rat — see the RAT catchers at the door!

• Sufficient RATs will be provided at the school during check-in

-   Accommodation and meals

Further details will be provided soon. cut-off date for registering for Accommodation and meals is 22 June 2024.

College rooms are provided, with shared facilities and a great common room for social evening activities. Accommodation fees include three meals per day. There are no cooking facilities on site. Day attendees may book lunch meals at the venue and family and friends are invited to the Thursday night party - both need to be booked in advance by 22 June 2024.

  • Daily accommodation & all meals is around $158.50
  • Thursday Formal Dinner/Party night only: $75 per person
Lunch for non live-in students: Sunday $35, other days $32  (must be booked in advance)

-   Non-Smoking Campus
St Ignatius is a NON-SMOKING campus - please do not smoke or vape on the grounds.

-   Payment options

Either complete the online registration form with payment, or tick the EFT box to advise payment will be sent via bank transfer. Online payment is made via PayPal. if you don't have a PayPal account choose the credit card payment option (turn off the request for a PP account option if it appears.).

We will be unable to accept registration for accommodation and meals after 22 June.

Bank transfer details:
Aiki Kai (Aust) National Aikido Assoc Inc
BSB no. 063-233;
account no. 1009 0052. 

-   Training Fees

We use a sliding scale for training fees based how much travel is required to attend the event.

-   Registration desk 

The registration desk for interstate and international students will be set up on Saturday 6 July from 2–5 pm in Kevin Fagan House. Please advise if you anticipate arriving early or late.

The map below shows the best gates to enter St Ignatius for access to the dojo (via main gate - blue line), and the accommodation ( at Kevin Fagan house - red line).  There may be road and building works happening on campus at the time of our event. If either gate is blocked, access can be obtained through the other gate.

-   WhatsApp 

Aiki Kai Winter School 2024 - Group Chat:  

A WhatsApp group chat has been created for the School: AKA_WS24 live in students

This will be most useful for live-in students to communicate any in-school ‘news’ (eg. social gatherings, lost and found, timetable updates), but all are welcome. Please note that this group is ‘open access’ (anyone can join), so any personal information on it will be in the public domain.

The link to this group chat is:

A separate WhatsApp group chat is available for people who may wish to try to co-ordinate ride shares from the airport - see ‘Transport’ section below.

-   Draft Timetable

This timetable is only an indication of anticipated training times, these may change at the actual event, please check regularly.

  PDF Version for download: DRAFT Timetable

-   Transport to/from Riverview

Public transport from the airport to Riverview is not direct – it involves train/bus changes. The NSW Transport on-line planner is helpful for finding information:  

Some options are:

Airport train direct to Wynyard station, then a bus (or two!), and a 25-minute walk to St Ignatius.

Airport train Central, then change to train to St Leonards station, then short taxi/Uber to St Ignatius ( - this is likely better than the train/bus option)

Sydney has a convenient ‘tap’ payment system linking all modes of public transport. The system uses a local ‘Opal card’, but can be used with a standard credit card that has a ‘tap’ facility.  If your bank card shows the contactless symbol   you can use it to pay for your travel. (see: )  You simply ‘Tap-on’ when you start your journey, and ‘Tap-off’ at your final stop. You MUST remember to Tap-on and Tap-off, otherwise extra charges are incurred.

A taxi or Uber from the airport to Riverview is approx. $60-$90, depending on the time of day and traffic conditions.  (see:

A WhatsApp group chat has been created for people who may wish to try to co-ordinate ride shares from the airport: AKA_WS24_ride_share   

The link to this group chat is:

Please note that this group is ‘open access’ (anyone can join), so any personal information on it will be in the public domain.

A separate WhatsApp group chat is available for in-school ‘news’ - see ‘WhatsApp’ section above.

View a Google Map of the location.

-   WS24 Merchandise - 3/4 Sleeve T-Shirts

For Winter School 2024, some unique 3/4 sleeve t-shirts will be available to buy at the school.


-   General enquiries

School Registrars

Ben Lippmeier
0421 381 880

0425 267 754

Location of main venues

The venue is looking for an estimate
of number of people on campus
by early June.

You must register online
before the event.

 Accomm. & meal cutoff
is 22
 June 2024

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